Cultivating Creativity and Confidence through Dance Education

Crystal Shaffer

Crystal Shaffer

Imagine a place where students from all backgrounds can come together, collaborate creatively, be challenged uniquely, and bond in once in a lifetime ways. As an educator I have explored  how learning on a daily basis serves as an incredible foundation to bridge us in a collective  togetherness. The shared experiences we have through our passion for dance create a space of  tolerance and an understanding for others, as well as, a sense of self-worth, self-respect, and  direction towards our individual goals. When we learn together and do so in a place of safe and  desired community, magic occurs. So in a competitive artists’ world where collaboration is often  stifled by fear and distrust in the industry, how do we cultivate safe spaces for our students to  think, learn, practice, create, and trust outside the box? We focus on the family...

We create a family amongst our dancers. By creating a strong sense of family we begin to appreciate each member as a unique entity with his/her/their own strengths and weaknesses. We have personalities that are different from one another and the dynamic does not have to always be “best friends” but instead a mutual respect and appreciation for the others. Each  person plays an important role and celebrates each others’ success, not in the absence of jealousy or discomfort, but rather in the midst of all emotions. It is here that we learn to value the  quirky and rare gifts that each individual brings without questioning our own unparalleled self. All  are welcome and there is always room to add another chair at the dinner table, it does not have  to be an exclusive place for the naturally talented. We show unconditional love...

As educators it is not our job to tell our students what they should think or do, but rather model  grace, understanding, and a safe place to listen as they grapple through the challenges of life.  Life is hard enough on its own and there are more than enough adults in their lives telling them what to think and do. As an educator no matter what the circumstance, or what your personal  take on the situation might be, fostering unconditional love provides courage where they can take the leap of faith knowing that you will always be a constant sounding board to bounce even  the craziest ideas and thoughts off of. We teach discipline...

While in our world where instant gratification and highlight reels seem to run our lives it is important to talk about the need for self-discipline. Success comes in the form of what you do through action on a daily basis. You can’t sit around wishing for your goals to come true, you must work towards them Every. Single. Day . Motivation will come and go, but a disciplined work habit can provide stability and comfort in a chaotic world. We practice regular communication...

My father once told me that communication is the key to life… and he is right! Teaching students self-advocacy in the form of regular communication creates understanding and provides insight into his/hers/their perceived reality. While communication is not solving world hunger it is allowing students’ personal testimonies to come out in the open. Here they realize that their voice matters and is heard. I am learning this is the most powerful way of giving someone else insight into experiences they know nothing about.

Overall, when we are able to meet students where they are, we are permissively creating space  for transformation to occur. This is where exploration for self discovery, the mindfulness to  reflect, and the courage to create can form. People are more alike than they are different, but often that likeness is lost in translation behind misunderstandings, predetermined circumstances, and the stresses of daily life.

-Crystal Shaffer

Dance Educator and Performer, Tennessee


A Time For Everything


Energy- the Vitality of Movement